Eczema herpeticum

Atopics have raised IgE levels and decreased cell-mediated immunity. They are particularly at risk of infection with cutaneous viruses such as herpes simplex. There are scabs and scars from the vesicles of the virus which covered most of this baby's body. His mother had had a cold sore on her lip.
Atopics are vulnerable to widespread infection with the herpes simplex and formerly vaccinia viruses. The lesions start as discrete vesicles which subsequently scab and crust. It is important not to mistake this for an exacerbation of the eczema and therefore not to prescribe topical steroids.
The individual discrete vesicles on an erythrematous surround are clear on the patient's upper chest. On her neck they have coalesced and produced a raw weeping area discharging viral particles. The patient may be very ill with viraemia. The disease had a significant mortality prior to the advent of acyclovir.