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1A history of christianity in India,1707-1858Neill, Stephen/Cambridge Uni. Press1985BR1155 N392 1985圖書1/1
2Christian pluralism in the United States :the Indian experience /Williams, Raymond Brady./Cambridge University Press1996BR563.E27 W726 1996圖書1/1
3Christianity in China :from the eighteenth century to the present /Bays, Daniel H./Stanford University Press1996BR1287 C555 1996圖書1/1
4Christian reflections /Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963/Hooper, Walter./W. B. Eerdmans Pub.1967BR123 L673 1967圖書1/1
5God in the dock :essays on theology and ethics /Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963./Hooper, Walter./William B. Eerdmans Publishing1970BR85 L484 1970圖書1/1
6Religion and politics in German history :from the beginnings to the French Revolution /Eyck, Frank./Macmillan1998BR854 E93 1998圖書1/1
7Popular religion in sixteenth-century England :holding their peace /Marsh, Christopher, 1964-/Macmillan1998BR756 M45 1998圖書1/1
8Religion and devotion in Europe, c.1215-c.1515 /Swanson, R. N. (Robert Norman)/Cambridge University Press1995BR735 S93 1995圖書1/1
9Confessions /Augustine,/Chadwick, Henry, 1920-/Oxford University Press1998BR65.A6 E5 1998圖書1/1
10The sacred remains :American attitudes toward death, 1799-1883 /Laderman, Gary, 1962-/Yale University Press1996BR525 L25 1996圖書1/1
11Living Buddha, living Christ /Nhat Hanh,/Pagels, Elaine./Riverhead Books1997BR128.B8 N576 1997圖書1/1
12Plurality and ambiguity :hermeneutics, religion, hope /Tracy, David./University of Chicago Press1994BR118 T761 1994圖書1/1
13Religion and the Enlightenment :from Descartes to Kant /Byrne, James M./Westminster John Knox Press1997BR470 B995 1997圖書1/1
14African Christianity :its public role /Gifford, Paul, 1944-/Indiana University Press1998BR1430 G458 1998圖書1/1
15More than opium :an anthropological approach to Latin American and Caribbean Pentecostal praxis /Boudewijnse, Barbara./Scarecrow Press1998BR1644.5.L29 A396 1998圖書1/1
16Holy women of the Syrian Orient /Brock, Sebastian P./Harvey, Susan Ashbrook./University of California Press1998BR1713 H761 1998圖書1/1
17The reasonableness of Christianity :as delivered in the Scriptures /Locke, John, 1632-1704./Ewing, George W./Regnery Pub.1998BR120 L814 1998圖書1/1
18Appalachian mountain religion :a history /McCauley, Deborah Vansau, 1954-/University of Illinois Press1995BR535 M123 1995圖書1/1
19Language and self-transformation :a study of the Christian conversion narrative /Stromberg, Peter G./Cambridge University Press1993BR110 S921 1993圖書1/1
20Clashing symbols :an introduction to faith and culture /Gallagher, Michael Paul./Paulist Press1998BR115.C8 G162 1998圖書1/1
21The screwtape letters /Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963./Fount1998BR125 L673 1998圖書1/1
22Changing conversations :religious reflection & cultural analysis /Hopkins, Dwight N./Routledge1996BR115.C8 C456 1996圖書1/1
23The beginning and the end of 'religion' /Lash, Nicholas./Cambridge University Press1996BR50 L343 1996圖書1/1
24The economic order and religion /Knight, Frank Hyneman, 1885-/Merriam, Thornton Ward, 1894-/Routledge1948BR115.E3 K69 1948圖書1/1
25Visual piety :a history and theory of popular religious images /Morgan, David, 1957-/University of California Press1999BR517 M847 1999圖書1/1
26En la lucha =In the struggle : a Hispanic women's liberation theology /Isasi-Diaz, Ada Maria./Fortress Press1993BR563.H57 I76 1993圖書1/1
27The new religious right :piety, patriotism, and politics /Capps, Walter H./University of South Carolina Press1994BR1642.U5 C467 1994圖書1/1
28The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism /Weber, Max, 1864-1920./Parsons, Talcott./Roxbury Pub.1998BR115.C3 W375 1998圖書1/1
29Religion in public life :a dilemma for democracy /Thiemann, Ronald F./Georgetown University Press1996BR115.P7 T433 1996圖書1/1
30Eternal hostility :the struggle between theocracy and democracy /Clarkson, Frederick./Common Courage Press1997BR526 C613 1997圖書1/1
31The theme is freedom :religion, politics, and the American tradition /Evans, M. Stanton (Medford Stanton), 1934-/Regnery Pub.1994BR517 E92 1994圖書1/1
32Protestantism in contemporary China /Hunter, Alan, 1951-/Chan, Kim-Kwong, 1958-/Cambridge University Press1993BR1288 H86 1993圖書1/1
33Holy feast and holy fast :the religious significance of food to medieval women /Bynum, Caroline Walker./University of California Press1987BR253 B96 1987圖書1/1
34The pursuit of the millennium :revolutionary millenarians and mystical anarchists of the Middle Ages /Cohn, Norman Rufus Colin./Oxford University Press1970BR270 C6 1970圖書1/1
35Religion and the rise of democracy /Maddox, Graham./Routledge1996BR115.P7 M179 1996圖書1/1
36Pragmatic theology :negotiating the intersections of an American philosophy of religion and public theology /Anderson, Victor, 1955-/State University of New York Press1998BR100 A49 1998圖書1/1
37Religion and the working class in nineteenth-century Britain /McLeod, Hugh./Economic History Society./Macmillan1984BR759 M37 1984圖書1/1
38Civil religion and political theology /Rouner, Leroy S./University of Notre Dame Press1986BR115.P7 C387 1986圖書1/1
39The desire of the nations :rediscovering the roots of political theology /O'Donovan, Oliver./Cambridge University Press1996BR115.P7 O36 1996圖書1/1
40Popular religion and liberation :the dilemma of liberation theology /Candelaria, Michael R./State University of New York Press1990BR600 C26 1990圖書1/1
228 results found
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